
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Priest Appreciation Dinner Reminder

2014 Priest Appreciation Dinner - Tuesday March 4, 2014

Council 15376 is pleased to host this year's Priest Appreciation Dinner for the Diocese of Tucson. The dinner will take place at St. Augustine Cathedral parish hall, 192 S. Stone Ave. in Tucson. Map It!

There will be a social hour at 5:30 pm and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. The cost is $15 per person and we ask each Knight attending to sponsor one or more priests.
Please confirm your reservation by calling Grand Knight Luis Kamei, (520-241-8244) Deputy Grand Knight Hector Tellez 520-305-6538 or Financial Secretary Alfredo "Fred" Nunez 520-289-1998 by Friday February 28, 2014.

His Excellency Bishop Kicanas will be in attendance as will the Arizona State Officers. We look forward to an evening of fraternity and brotherhood. (This is a stag event, men only).